How Dirty Air Filters Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

A dirty air filter can have a huge impact on your air conditioning system. It restricts the flow of cold air, causing it to build up inside the air conditioner and lower the internal temperature. Over time, that buildup of cold air can cause ice to form on the coils, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit for cooling. When you notice that the filter is clogged, you should change it immediately.

In particular, air conditioning experts in Phoenix recommend replacing the AC filter every 1-3 months. That way, you'll keep the air conditioner running efficiently all year round. So how do you know that an AC filter is dirty and needs to be replaced? Here are some of the signs that the air conditioning unit needs a new filter. An overheated air conditioner can be a sign of a clogged air filter. If the AC filter is dirty, the air conditioning unit will work harder when turned on to keep the room cool.

Consequently, that will put more pressure on the air conditioner, causing it to produce a lot of heat. When the air conditioner overheats, it will perform repairs more often, which will reduce the service life of the unit. However, replacing the AC filter every month will lower the load and prolong the life of the air conditioner. If your electricity bills start to increase dramatically, it can be quite difficult to determine the root cause. However, a faulty or poorly maintained air conditioner may be the possible cause. The best way to reduce the power consumption of the unit is to replace the filters.

It's no secret that cooling costs tend to increase during the summer, when it's stifling. But if your electricity bill is higher than usual (other summers), a clogged air filter could be the cause. Therefore, you should always change it regularly to keep your electricity bill low. If your air conditioning system produces warm air instead of cooling cold air, the main problem could be a dirty filter. When the filter becomes clogged with a lot of dirt, it prevents cold air from passing through, causing uncomfortable and warm temperatures.

However, if the air cleaner is new, but the air conditioner is still producing warm air, consider hiring an expert. They will investigate the problem and provide maintenance services. However, you'll have to pay a fee to hire an air conditioning expert. The best way to determine if dust has accumulated around the vents is to apply the “white sheet” test. All you have to do is hang a white cloth about five inches from the ventilation grilles of the unit. If the white sheet turns gray, it is a clear sign that the filter is dirty.

An air conditioner can affect your health in a negative or positive way. If your air conditioning filter is dirty, there is no doubt that the air circulating in your home is also polluted. Therefore, you will breathe air full of allergens, such as dust and pollen, which can cause various allergic attacks. Ideally, an air conditioner should have a positive impact on your health and not destroy it. If one of your household members is very allergic to dust, you should replace the filter more often.

That will help improve the indoor air quality of your home. If you're still suffering from allergy attacks, consider switching to a more effective filter. Does a dirty air filter affect the air conditioner? The answer is yes! The air filter plays an important role in your HVAC system as it filters out particles that shouldn't be in your home. When it becomes clogged with dust and dirt particles, it affects how well your system works and can lead to costly repairs down the line. A clogged air filter can increase energy consumption by up to 5 percent in some cases and up to 15 percent as it continues to clog up over time. This puts extra strain on your fan as it struggles to pump enough air through and can lead to overheating and eventual breakdowns if not addressed quickly. When an air filter becomes clogged with dirt particles, it prevents cold air from flowing through properly which causes ice to form on evaporator coils inside your system.

This reduces its ability to expel heat from inside your home and can lead to further damage if not addressed quickly. To extend its life and reduce wear and tear on your system, make sure you replace the filter regularly - at least once every 1-3 months - so that cold air can circulate freely throughout your system without any blockages. If you're having trouble with your AC unit or need help with maintenance services in Phoenix AZ then contact American Home Water and Air for assistance! We'll make sure to bring your system back up and running in no time so you can enjoy cool temperatures all year round without any worries. In conclusion, a dirty air filter can have serious consequences for your AC unit if not addressed quickly enough. It restricts airflow which leads to overheating and eventual breakdowns if not replaced regularly - at least once every 1-3 months - so make sure you check yours regularly!.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.